
the blllog.

FOSS4G 2023

2023-07-22 21:50

Finally, after missing one virtual and one in person global FOSS4G I had again the chance to attend a global in-person FOSS4G conference. Thanks Protocol Labs for sending me. This year it was in Prizren, Kosovo. I’m a bit late with that post, but that’s due to doing some hiking in Albania right after the conference.

The organization and venue

Wow. It’s been my favourite venue of all FOSS4Gs I’ve been to so far. The exhibition hall was a great place to hang out, combined with the excellent idea of a 24h bar. I’m not sure if it was used at all times, but definitely for more than 20h a day. Outside, there was plenty of space and tables to hang out, and very close by another set of tables that formed the “work area”. Which was another great place to hang out, with enough power sockets and shade for the hot days.

The main stage was an open air stage with enough seating for everyone. It was converted for the gala dinner to a stage with an excellent live band and the usual big round tables.

For me, the best part was that even the accommodation was on-site. The barracks of the former military basis, which now serve as student dorms, were our home for a week. Pretty spartan, but at a conference I don’t really spend much time in my room, I mostly need just some place to sleep.

Having everything, the talks, exhibition, social events and accommodations on-site makes it easy to maximize the time for socializing, which for me is the number one reason to attend a conference.

Everything was well organized, and it was great to see so many volunteers around.

The talks

I haven’t really selected the talks I went to. I rather joined others where they were going, or listened to recommendations. Often, I just stayed in the rest of the slot to see what else is there. My favourite talks were:

  • Smart Maps for the UN and All - keeping web maps open: For me, it was the first time I saw someone speaking at a FOSS4G about using IPFS that wasn’t me. It’s great to see that it gains traction for the offline use case, where it just makes a lot of sense. UN Smart Maps is part of the UN OpenGIS initiative, it features a wide range of things, even an AI chatbot called TRIDENT that transforms the text into Overpass API calls. Try TRIDENT it out yourself, when you open the developer console, you can see the resulting Overpass API calls.
  • Offline web map server “UNVT Portable”: This talk got into more detail about using Raspberry Pis to have map data stored in IPFS for offline use. It’s very similar to what I envision, the only difference is that I’d also like to keep the storage in the browser. But I surely see a future, where those efforts are combined, to have a small easy server you can deploy, with in browser copies of subsets of the data to be able to work completely offline in the field. The original UNVT Portable repository doesn’t use IPFS, but Smart Maps Bazaar does, which seems to be its successor.
  • B6, Diagonal’s open source geospatial analysis engine: A presentation of the B6 tool for geospatial analysis for urban planning. It has a beautiful interface. I really like the idea of doing things directly on the map in a notebook-style way, where you perform certain steps after each other.
  • Elephant in the room: A talk about how many resources to computations take? Do we always need it? It’s very hard, often impossible, to find out how environmentally friendly some cloud services are. One of the conclusions was that cheaper providers likely use less power, hence are harming the environment less. I would like if there would be better ways (e.g. it misses things like economies of scale of large providers), but I agree that this might be the best metric we currently have. And I also hope there will be more economic pressure to save resources.
  • There was a closing keynote from Kyoung-Soo Eom, who was talking about his long journey in open source GIS, but also his history with Kosovo, where he was also on a mission in 1999. Quite inspiring.

My talk

My talk about Collaborative mapping without internet connectivity was about a browser based offline-first prototype that uses IPFS to enable replication to other peers. The project is called Colleemap and is dual-licensed under the MIT and Apache 2.0 license. Although I tried the demo bazillion times before my talk, it sadly didn’t work during my talk. Though, trying it later with various people, I was able to get 4 peers connected once. I even saw it working on a Windows machine. So it really works cross-platform.

For the future I hope to work closer with the people from the UN OpenGIS initiative, it would be great to combine it with their Raspberry Pi based prototype.

Things I’ve learnt

The Sentinel-2 satellite imagery is available from multiple sources, directly from Copernicus Open Access Hub or through cloud providers like AWS, Azure of Google Cloud. From the cloud providers you only get the level-2 data. They might use the original level-2 data or do their own atmospheric correction based on the level-1 data. Or even re-encode the data. So it’s hard to tell which kind of data you actually get.

As far as I know (please let me know if I’m wrong), there isn’t any mirror of the full level-1c data. You can only get it through the Copernicus Open Access Hub and there the older images are stored in the long term archive on tape, where it can take up to 24h for the data to be available for download (if it works).

Ideally, there would be a mirror of the full level-1c data (where the ESA would provide checksums of their files) and a level-2 version, where the exact process is openly published, so that you can verify how it was created. The problem is the storage cost. The current level-2 data is about 25 PiB, which leads to storage costs of over $500k USD a month if you would store it on AWS S3 Standard at the current pricing (I used the $0.021 per GB).

Final thoughts

It was great to meet Gresa and Valmir from the local organizing committee before the FOSS4G in March at the OSGeo German language chapter conference FOSSGIS in Berlin. That made it easy for me to connect to the event right from the start. If there’s one thing future FOSS4Gs should adapt, it’s the cheap on-site (or close by) accommodation. I think that shared bathrooms is also much smoother to have, if you know that everyone in the accommodation is from the conference. We had something similar with the BaseCamp in Bonn during the FOSS4G 2016 and the international code spring in 2018 during the FOSSGIS conference, where the whole place was rented for the time of the events.

Though, of course, I also missed some of my longtime FOSS4G friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. I hope you’re all doing well and will meet again soon.

Categories: en, IPFS, conference, geo

Video uploads for an online conference

2021-06-12 16:35

This blog post should give some insights on what happens behind the scenes in preparation of an online conference, and I also hope that some of the scripts I created might be useful for others as well. We were using pretalx for the submissions and Seafile for video uploads. Both systems are accessed over their HTTP API.

This year’s FOSSGIS 2021 conference was a pure online conference. Though it had the same format as every year. Three days of conference, with four tracks in parallel. This leads to about 100 talks. I joined the organizing team about 10 weeks before the conference took place. The task sounded easy. The speakers should be able to upload their talks prior to the conference, so that during the conference less could go wrong.

All scripts are available at https://github.com/vmx/conference-tools licensed under the MIT License.

The software

The speakers submitted their talks through pretalx, a conference management system I highly recommend. It is open source and has an active community. I’ve worked on/with it over the past few to make it suitable for OSGeo conferences. The latest addition is the public community voting plugin, which has been used for the FOSS4G 2021 as well as this conference. pretalx has a great HTTP API to get data out of the system. It doesn’t yet have much support for manipulating the data, but pull-requests are welcome.

For storing the video files, Seafile was used. I haven’t had any prior experience with it. It took me a bit to figure out, that the Python API is for local access only and that the public API is a pure HTTP API. You can clearly see that their API is tailored to their use in their web interface and not really designed for third party usage. Nonetheless, it guarantees that you can do everything via the HTTP API, that can be done through the web UI.

My scripts are heavily based on command line tools like b2sum, curl, cut, jq and jo, hence a lot of shell is used. For more complex data manipulation, like merging data, I use Python.

The task

The basic task is providing pre-recorded videos for a conference that were uploaded by the speakers themselves. The actual finer grained steps are:

  • Sending the speakers upload links
  • Looking through the videos to make sure they are good
  • Re-organizing the files suitable to be played back according to the schedule
  • Make the final files easily downloadable
  • Create a schedule which lists the live/pre-recorded talks

In Seafile you can create directories and make them publicly available so that people can upload files. Once uploaded, you won’t see what else in that directory. In order to be able to easily reference the uploaded videos back to the corresponding talk, it was important to create one dedicated directory per talk, as you won’t know which filenames people will use for their videos.

The speakers will receive an email containing dedicated upload links for each of their talks. See the email_upload_links directory for all the scripts that are needed for this step.


First you need to get all the talks. In pretalx that’s easy, go to your conference, e.g. https://pretalx.com/api/events/democon/submissions/. We only care about the accepted talks, which can be done with selecting a filter. If you access it through curl, you’ll get a JSON response like that one: https://pretalx.com/api/events/democon/submissions/?format=json. pretalx returns 25 results per request. I’ve created a script called pretalx-get-all.py that automatically pages through all the results and concatenates them.

A talk might be associated with multiple speakers. Each speaker should get an email with an upload link. There were submissions that are not really talks in the traditional sense, so people shouldn’t get an email. The query for jq looks like that:

[.results[] | select((.submission_type[] | contains("Workshop")) or (.submission_type[] == "Anwendertreffen / BoF") | not) | { code: .code, speaker: .speakers[].code, title: .title, submission_type: .submission_type[]}]

The submissions contain only the speaker IDs and names, but not other details like their email address. We query the speakers API (e.g. https://pretalx.com/api/events/democon/speakers/) and post-process the data again with jq, as we care about their email addresses.

You can find all the requests and filter in the email_upload_links/upload_talks_to_seafile.sh script.


Creating and upload link is a two-step process in Seafile. First create the directory, then creating a public accessible upload link for the directory. The directories are named after the pretalx ID of the talk (Full script for creating directories).

Creating emails

After acquiring the data, the next step is to process the data and creating the individual emails. Combining the data is done with the combine_talks_speakers_upload_links.py script, where the output is again post-processed with jq. The data_to_email.py script takes that data output and a template file to create the actual email as files. The template file is used as a Python format string, where the variables a filled with the data provided.

Those email files are then posted to pretalx, so that we can send them over their email system. That step is more complicated as currently there is no API in pretalx to do that. I logged in through the web interface and manually added a new email, while having the developer tools open. I then copied the POST request “as cURL” to have a look at the data it sent. There I manually extracted the session and cookie information in order to add emails from the command line. The script that takes the pre-generated emails and puts them into pretalx is called email_to_pretalx.sh.

Reviewing the uploaded videos

Once a video is uploaded, it gets reviewed. The idea was, that the speakers don’t need to care too much about the start and the end of the video, e.g. when they start the recording and there is a few seconds of silence while switching to the presentation. The reviewer will cut the beginning and end of the video and also convert it to a common format.

We wanted to preserve the original video quality, hence we use LosslessCut and converted it then to the Matroska format. The reviewers would also check that the video isn’t longer than the planned slot.

See the copy_uploads directory for all the scripts that are needed for this step.


The reviewers get a file with things to check for each video file. We get the needed metadata again from pretalx and post-process it with jq. As above for the emails, there is again a template file which (this time) generates Markdown files with the information for the reviewers. The full script is called create_info_files.sh.


Once videos are uploaded they should be available for the reviewers. The uploaded files are the primary source, hence it makes sense to always make copies of the talks, so that the original uploads are not lost. The sync_files_and_upload_info.sh script copies the talks into a new directory (together with the information files), which is then writeable for the reviewers. They will download the file, review it, cut it if needed, convert it to Matroska and upload it again. Once uploaded, they move the directory into one called fertig (“done” in German) as an indicator that no one else needs to review it.

I run the script daily as a cron job, it only copies the new uploads. Please note that it only checks the existence on a directory level. This means that if a talk was reviewed and a speaker uploads a new version of the talk, it won’t be copied. That case didn’t often happen often and speakers actually let us know about it, so it’s mostly a non-issue (also see the miscellaneous scripts section for more).

Last step is that someone looks through the filled out markdown files to check if everything was alright, respectively make sure that e.g. the audio volume is fixed, or asks the speaker for a new upload. The then checked videos are moved to yet another directory, which then contains all the talks that are ready to be streamed.

Re-org files for schedule

So far, the video files were organized by directories that are named after the pretalx ID of the talk. For running the conference we used OBS for streamer. The operator would need to play the right video at the right time. Therefore, it makes sense to sort them by the schedule. The cut_to_schedule.sh script does that re-organization, which can be found in the cut_to_schedule directory.


To prevent accidental inconsistencies, the root directory is named after the current version of the pretalx schedule. So if you publish a new version of the schedule and run the script again, you’ll get a new directory structure. The video files still have an arbitrary name, chosen by the uploader/reviewer, we want a common naming scheme instead. The get_filepath.py script creates such a name that also sorts chronologically and contains all the information the OBS operators need. The current scheme is <room>/day<day-of-the-conference>/day<day-of-the-conference>_<day-of-the-week>_<date>_<time>_<pretalx-id>_<title>.mkv.


The directories do not only contain the single final video, but also the metadata and perhaps the original video or a presentation. The file we actually copy is the *.mkv file which was modified last, which will be the cut video. The get_files_to_copy.sh script creates a list of the files that should be copied, it will only list the files that weren’t copied yet (based on the filename). The copy_files.sh script does the actual copying and is rather generic, it only depends on a file list and Seafile.

Easily downloadable files

Seafile has a feature to download a full directory as zip file. I originally planned to use that. It turns out that the size of the files can be too large, I got the error message Unable to download directory "day1": size is too large.. So I needed to provide another tool, as I didn’t want that people would need to click and download all individual talks.

The access to the files should as easy as possible, i.e. the operators that need the files shouldn’t need a Seafile account. As the videos also shouldn’t be public, the compromise was using a download link secured with a password. This means that an authentication step is needed, which isn’t trivial. The download_files.sh script does login and then downloads all the files in that directory. For simplicity, it doesn’t do recursively. This means that any stage would need to run this script for each day.

I also added a checksum check for more robustness. I created those checksums manually with running b2sum * > B2SUMS in each of the directories and then uploaded them to Seafile.

List of live/pre-recorded talks

Some talks are recorded and some are live, the list_recorded_talks.py script, creates a Markdown file that contains a schedule with that information, including the lengths of the talks if they are pre-recorded. This is useful for the moderators to know how much time for questions will be. At the FOSSGIS we have 5 minutes for questions, but if the talk runs longer, there will be less time.

You need the schedule and the length of the recorded talks. This time I haven’t fully automated the process, it’s a bit more manual than the other steps. All scripts can be found in the list_recorded_talks directory.

Get the schedule:

curl https://pretalx.com/<your-conference>/schedule.json > schedule.json

For getting the lengths of the videos, download them all with the download script from the Easily downloadable files section above. Then run the get_length.sh script in each of the directories and output then into a file. For example:

cd your-talks-day1
/path/to/get_lengths.sh > ../lengths/day1.txt

Then combine the lengths of all days into a single file:

cat ../lengths/*.txt > ../talk_lengths.txt

Now you can create the final schedule:

cd ..
python3 /path/to/list_recorded_talks.py schedule.json talk_lengths.txt

Here’s a sample schedule from the FOSSGIS 2021.

Miscellaneous Scripts

Speaker notification

The speakers didn’t get feedback whether their video was correctly uploaded/processed (other than seeing a successful upload in Seafile). A short time before the conference, we were sending out the latest information that speakers needs to know. We decided to take the chance to also add information whether their video upload was successful or not, so that they can contact us in case something with the upload didn’t go as they expected (there weren’t any issues :).

It is very similar to sending out the email with the upload links. You get the information about the speakers and talks in the same way. The only difference is we now also need the information whether the talk was pre-recorded or not. We get that from Seafile:

curl --silent -X GET --header 'Authorization: Token <seafile-token>' 'https://seafile.example.org/api2/repos/<repo-id>/?p=/<dir-with-talks>&t=d'|jq --raw-output '.[].name' > prerecorded_talks.txt

The full script to create the emails can be found at email_speaker_final.sh. In order to post them to pretalx, you can use the email_to_pretalx.sh script and follow the description in the creating emails section.

Number of uploads

It could happen that people upload a new version of the talk. The current scripts won’t recognize that if a previous version was already reviewed. Hence, I manually checked the directories for the ones with more than one file in it. This can easily be done with a single curl command to the Seafile HTTP API:

curl --silent -X GET --header 'Authorization: Token <seafile-token>' 'https://seafile.example.org/api2/repos/<repo-id>/dir/?p=/<dir-with-talks>&t=f&recursive=1'|jq --raw-output '.[].parent_dir'|sort|uniq -c|sort

The output is sorted by the number of files in that directory:

  1 /talks_conference/ZVAZQQ
  1 /talks_conference/DXCNKG
  2 /talks_conference/H7TWNG
  2 /talks_conference/M1PR79
  2 /talks_conference/QW9KTH
  3 /talks_conference/VMM8MX

Normalize volume level

If the volume of the talk was too low, it was normalized. I used ffmpeg-normalize for it:

ffmpeg_normalize --audio-codec aac --progress talk.mkv


Doing all this with scripts was a good idea. The less manual work the better. It also enabled me to process talks even during the conference in a semi-automated way. I created lots of small scripts and sometimes used just a subset of them, e.g. the copy_files.sh script, or quickly modified them to deal with a special case. For example, all lightning talks of a single slot (2-4) were merged together into one video file. That file of course then isn’t associated with a single pretalx ID any more.

During the conference, the volume level of the pre-recorded talks was really different. I think for next time I’d like to do some automated audio level normalization after the people have uploaded the file. It should be done before reviewers have a look, so that they can report in case the normalization broke the audio.

The speakers were confused whether the upload really worked. Seafile doesn’t have an “upload now” button or so, it does it’s JavaScript magic once you’ve selected a file. That’s convenient, but was also confusing me, when I used it for the first time. And if you reload the page, you also won’t see that something was uploaded already. So perhaps it could also be automated that speakers get an email “we received your upload” or so.

Overall I’m really happy how the whole process went, there weren’t major failures like lost videos. I also haven’t heard any complaints from the people that needed to use any of the videos at any stage of the pipeline. I’d also like to thank all the speakers that uploaded a pre-recorded video, it really helped a lot running the FOSSGIS conference as smooth as it was.

Categories: en, conference, geo

WebAssembly multi-value return in today's Rust without wasm-bindgen

2021-01-29 15:00

The goal was to run some WebAssembly within different host languages. I needed a WASM file that is independent of the host language, hence I decided to code the FFI manually, without using any tooling like wasm-bindgen, which is JavaScript specific. It needed a bit of custom tooling, but in the end I succeeded in having a WASM binary that has a multi-value return, generated with today's Rust compiler, without using wasm-bindgen annotations.


In my case I wanted to pass some bytes into the WASM module, do some processing and returning some other bytes. I found all information I needed in this excellent A practical guide to WebAssembly memory from radu. There he mentions the WebAssembly multi-value proposal and links to a blog post from 2019 called Multi-Value All The Wasm! which explains its implementation for the Rust ecosystem.

As it's from 2019 I just went ahead and thought I can use multi-value returns in Rust.

The journey

My function signature for the FFI looks like this:

pub extern "C" fn decode(data_ptr: *const u8, data_len: usize) -> (*const u8, usize) { … }

When I compiled it, I got this warning:

warning: `extern` fn uses type `(*const u8, usize)`, which is not FFI-safe
 --> src/lib.rs:2:67
2 | pub extern "C" fn decode(data_ptr: *const u8, data_len: usize) -> (*const u8, usize) {
  |                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
  = note: `#[warn(improper_ctypes_definitions)]` on by default
  = help: consider using a struct instead
  = note: tuples have unspecified layout

Multi-value returns are certainly not meant for C APIs, but for WASM it might still work, I thought. Running wasm2wat shows:

  (type (;0;) (func (param i32 i32 i32)))
  (func $decode (type 0) (param i32 i32 i32)

This clearly isn't a multi-value return. It doesn't even have a return at all, it takes 3 parameters, instead of the 2 the function definition has. I found an issue called Multi value Wasm compilation #73755 and was puzzled why it doesn't work. Is this a regression? Why did it work in that blog post from 2019? I gave the Multi-Value All The Wasm! blog post another read, and it turns out it explains all this in detail (look at the wasm-bindgen section). Back then it wasn't supported by the Rust compiler directly, but by wasm-bindgen.

So perhaps I can just use the wasm-bindgen command line tool and transform my compiled WASM binary into a multi-value return one. There is a command-line flag called WASM_BINDGEN_MULTI_VALUE=1 to enable that transformation. Sadly that doesn't really work as it needs some interface-types present in the WASM binary (which I don't have).

Thanks to open source, the blog post about the implementation of the transformation feature and some trial an error, I was able to extract the pieces I needed and created a tool called wasm-multi-value-reverse-polyfill. I didn't need to do any of the hard parts, just some wiring up. I was now able to transform my WASM binary into a multi-value return one simply by running:

$ multi-value-reverse-polyfill ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/wasm_multi_value_retun_in_rust.wasm 'decode i32 i32'
Make `decode` function return `[I32, I32]`.

The WAT disassembly now looks like that:

  (type (;0;) (func (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)))
  (type (;1;) (func (param i32 i32 i32)))
  (func $decode_multivalue_shim (type 0) (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)

There you go. There is now a shim function that has the multi-value return, which calls the original method. I can now use my newly created WASM binary with WebAssembly runtimes that support multi-value returns (like Wasmer or Node.js).


With wasm-multi-value-reverse-polyfill I'm now able to create multi-value return functions with the current Rust compiler without depending on all the magic wasm-bindgen is doing.

Categories: en, WASM, Rust

When npm link fails

2019-08-01 22:35

There are cases where linking local packages don't produce the same result as if you would've installed all packages from the registry. Here I'd like to tell the story about one of those real world cases and conclude with a solution to those problems.

The problem

When you do an npm install heavy module deduplication and hoisting, which doesn't always behave the same way in all cases. For example if you npm link a package, the resulting node_modules tree is different. This may lead to unexpected runtime errors.

It happened to me recently and I thought I use exactly this real world example to illustrate that problem and a possible solution to it.

Real world example


Start with cloning the js-ipfs-mfs and js-ipfs-unixfs-importer repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-mfs --branch v0.12.0 --depth 1
$ git clone https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-unixfs-importer --branch v0.39.11 --depth 1

Our main module is js-ipfs-mfs and let's say you want to make local changes to js-ipfs-unix-importer, which is a direct dependency of js-ipfs-mfs.

First of all you of course make sure that currently the tests pass (we just run a subset, to get to the actual issue faster). I'm sorry that the installation takes so long and so much space, the dev dependencies are quite heavy.

$ cd js-ipfs-mfs
$ npm install
$ npx mocha test/write.spec.js
  53 passing (4s)
  1 pending

Ok, all tests passed.

Reproducing the issue

Before we even start modifying js-ipfs-unix-importer, we link it and check that the tests still pass.

$ cd js-ipfs-unixfs-importer
$ npm link
$ cd ../js-ipfs-mfs
$ npm link ipfs-unixfs-importer
$ npx mocha test/write.spec.js
  37 passing (2s)
  1 pending
  16 failing

Oh, no. The tests failed. But why? The reason is deep down in the code. The root cause is in the [hamt-sharding] module and it's not even a bug. It just checks if something is a Bucket:

static isBucket (o) {
  return o instanceof Bucket

instanceof only works if both instances we check on came from the exact same module. Let's see who is importing the hamt-sharding module:

$ npm ls hamt-sharding
ipfs-mfs@0.12.0 /home/vmx/misc/protocollabs/blog/when-npm-link-fails/js-ipfs-mfs
├── hamt-sharding@0.0.2
├─┬ ipfs-unixfs-exporter@0.37.7
│ └── hamt-sharding@0.0.2  deduped
└─┬ UNMET DEPENDENCY ipfs-unixfs-importer@0.39.11
  └── hamt-sharding@0.0.2  deduped

npm ERR! missing: ipfs-unixfs-importer@0.39.11, required by ipfs-mfs@0.12.0

Here we see that ipfs-mfs has a direct dependency on it, and an indirect dependency through ipfs-unixfs-exporter and ipfs-unixfs-importer. All of them use the same version (0.0.2), hence it's deduped and the instanceof call should work. But there's also an error about an UNMET DEPENDENCY, the ipfs-unixfs-importer module we linked to.

To make it clear what's happening inside Node.js. When you require('hamt-sharding') from the ipfs-mfs code base, it will load the module from the physical location js-ipfs-mfs/node_modules/hamt-sharding. When you require it from ipfs-unixfs-importer it will be loaded from js-ipfs-mfs/node_modules/ipfs-unixfs-importer/node_modules/hamt-sharding resp. from ipfs-unixfs-importer/node_modules/hamt-sharding, as js-ipfs-mfs/node_modules/ipfs-unixfs-importer is just a symlink to a symlink to that directory.

When you do a normal installation without linking, you won't have this issue as hamt-sharding will be properly deduplicated and only loaded once from js-ipfs-mfs/node_modules/hamt-sharding.

Possible workarounds that do not work

Though you still like to change ipfs-unixfs-importer locally and test those changes with ipfs-mfs without breaking anything. I had several ideas on how to workaround this. I start with the ones that didn't work:

  1. Just delete the js-ipfs-unixfs-importer/node_modules/hamt-sharding directory. The module should still be found in the resolve paths of ipfs-mfs. No it doesn't. Tests fail because hamt-sharding can't be found.
  2. Global linking runs an npm install when you run the initial npm link. What if we remove the js-ipfs-unixfs-importer/node_modules completely and symlink to the module manually. That also doesn't work, the hamt-sharding module also can't be found.
  3. Install ipfs-unixfs-importer directly with a relative path (npm install ../js-ipfs-unixfs-importer). No, that doesn't work either, it will still have its own node_modules/hamt-sharding, it won't be properly deduplicated.

There must be a way to make local changes to a module and testing them without publishing it each time. Luckily there really is.

Working workaround

I'd like to thank my colleague Hugo Dias for this workaround that he has been using for a while already.

You can just replicate what a normal npm install <package> would be doing. You pack the module and then install that packed package. In our case that means:

$ cd js-ipfs-mfs
$ npm pack ../js-ipfs-unixfs-importer
$ npm install ipfs-unixfs-importer-0.39.11.tgz
+ ipfs-unixfs-importer@0.39.11
added 59 packages from 76 contributors and updated 1 package in 31.698

Now all tests pass.

This is quite a manual process. Luckily Hugo created a module to automate exactly that workflow. It's called connect-deps.


Sometimes linking packages doesn't create the same structure of modules and you need to use packing instead. To automate this you can use connect-deps.

Categories: en, JavaScript, npm

Show your own stripes

2019-06-20 22:35

You want to create #ShowYourStripes for the location you live in? Here's how.


Timeline of yearly average temperatures in Augsburg, Germany

When I first saw #ShowYourStripes I immediately felt in love (thanks Stefan Münz for tweeting about it). I think it's a great and simple visualization by Ed Hawkins of what we are currently facing when it comes to climate change. You don't need to scroll through long tables or figure out the axis on some diagram. You can simply see that there's something massively changing.

After playing around a bit with the cities available on the #ShowYourStripes website I wanted to do the same for the city I live in, Augsburg, Germany. I looked at the website's source code first, in hope that it dynamically creates the data from some JSON or so. That isn't the case. I then searched Twitter, GitHub and the Web if I can find any related open source project. I wouldn't want to spend time figuring out the parameters that were used to create those. After all, I wanted mine to look exactly like those.

Luckily I found a Tweet from Zeke Hausfather saying that he could create those. I then asked him if he could please release the source code. And just 7h later he did.

Creating your own stripes

Now it's time for a quick tutorial on how you can create your own #ShowYourStripes with that source code.


I did those steps on a Debian system that had the most common tools installed (like Python3, or Wget). I'm using Pipenv for installing the required Python packages, but you can use any other package management tool for Python.

Let's get the data file with the global temperature values first. It's 200MB so it might take a while.

wget http://berkeleyearth.lbl.gov/auto/Global/Gridded/Complete_TAVG_LatLong1.nc

Now retrieve the source code:

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hausfath/scrape_global_temps/master/City%20Warming%20Strips%20.ipynb -O showyourstripes.ipynb

In order to run the script, we need to get a few Python packages first:

$ pipenv install matplotlib nbconvert netcdf4 numpy_indexed pandas

Running the script

The original script is a Jupyter Notebook, so we convert it to a plain Python script (you can ignore the warnings):

$ pipenv run jupyter-nbconvert --to python showyourstripes.ipynb

Next we need to make some changes to the showyourstripes.py file so that it works on your machine and plots the stripes for your location. We work on the current directory, so you can comment out changing the directory:

#os.chdir('/Users/hausfath/Desktop/Climate Science/GHCN Monthly/')

The other changes we need is the location the stripes should be plotted from. Here I use the values for Augsburg, Germany. Use your own values there. When I don't know the coordinates of my location, I usually check Wikipedia. In the top right corner of an article you can find the coordinate of a place (if it has one attached). If you click on those you get to the GeoHack page of the article. There on the top right you can find the coordinate in decimals in lat/lon order. In my case it's "48.366667, 10.9".

savename = 'augsburg'

lat = 48.366667
lon = 10.9

Now you're ready to run the script:

pipenv run python showyourstripes.py

Now you should have an output file called augsburg.png in the same directory which contains the stripes.


Have fun creating your own #ShowYourStripes. Thanks again Zeke Hausfather for making and publishing the source code so quickly.

Categories: en, climatechange, tutorial

Why I am against the EU Copyright Directive

2019-03-17 22:35

Update 2019-03-19: The argumentation below is wrong. A forum won't be considered a "online content sharing service provider" according to the definition of Article 2 (5) (page 51 of the full text of the final version). I'm sorry for this misinformation. I keep the text below for reference so that others can see what I got wrong.

There are many arguments against the EU Copyright Directive (more correct Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market) some I agree with, some I don't. Hence, here's my take on why I think that directive should be stopped. Short versions is: it strengthens the big platforms and weakens/destroys the small ones.

My hope is that this blog post will get more people interested in that topic and hopefully make you join the European wide protests on Saturday March 23rd 2019. If you want to join, there's an interactive map of all known protests created by the folks from stopACTA2.


It is confusing that platforms like YouTube are against the directive, it sounds like they have a lot to lose, hence they try everything they can against it. For me, this is normally a sign, that such a directive is exactly what it should do.

But it this case, it's not. YouTube will surely have its own reasons being against it. But what is more important for me is, that if the directive is approved by the European Parliament, the small platforms will almost have no chance to survive.

Why small platforms will die

There are exceptions in the directive for some platforms. You can find those in the full text of the final version at paragraph (38b), page 36. But those exceptions won't help all smaller platforms. For example a discussion board which is older than 3 years and has advertising to cover the server costs wouldn't be excluded. They would be liable for every copyright infringement.

It could be a small as a profile picture, let's say yours is Luke Skywalker. That platform could block custom profile pictures, but that still won't be enough. Someone could post some copyrighted text. But how would you make a discussion board without the users being able to post text? So the only way to not being liable would be to check for all infringements (how would you do that?), or close the platform.


I tried to keep it intentionally short and highlight the issue that matters to me most. Of course there's a lot more issues regarding the EU Copyright Directive, so if you want to know more, go to websites like savetheinternet.info, stopACTA2 or Julia Reda's website who is a Member of the European Parliament and puts lots of efforts in explaining and spreading the word on why the directive should be stopped (also follow her on Twitter). Thanks a lot Julia for doing such an amazing work!

Categories: en, EU, politics, copyright

Joining Protocol Labs

2018-01-24 22:35

I’m pumped to announce that I’m joining Protocol Labs as a software engineer. Those following me on Twitter or looking on my GiHub activity might have already got some hints.

Short term

My main focus is currently on IPLD (InterPlanetary Linked Data). I’ll smooth things out and also work on the IPLD specs, mostly on IPLD Selectors. Those IPLD Selectors will be used to make the underlying graph more efficient to traverse (especially for IPFS). That’s a lot of buzzwords, I hope it will get clearer the more I’ll blog about this.

To get started I’ve done the JavaScript IPLD implementations for Bitcoin and Zcash. Those are the basis to make easy traversal through the Bitcoin and Zcash blockchains possible.

Longer term

In the longer term I’ll be responsible to bring IPLD to Rust. That’s especially exciting with Rust’s new WebAssembly backend. You’ll get a high performance Rust implementation, but also one that works in Browsers.

What about Noise?

Many of you probably know that I’ve been working full-time on Noise for the past 1.5 years. It shapes up nicely and is already quite usable. Of course I don’t want to see this project vanish and it won’t. At the moment I only work part-time at Protocol Labs, to also have some time for Noise. In addition to that there’s also interest within Protocol Labs to use Noise (or parts of it) for better query capabilities. So far it’s only rough ideas I mentioned briefly at the end of my talk about Noise at the [Lisbon IPFS Meetup] two weeks ago. But what’s the distributed web without search?

What about geo?

I’m also part of the OSGeo community and FOSS4G movement. So what’s the future there? I see a lot of potential in the Sneakernet. If geo-processing workflows are based around IPFS, you could use the same tools/scripts whether it is stored somewhere in the cloud, or access you local mirror/dump if your Internet connection isn’t that fast/reliable.

I expect non-realiable connectivity to be a hot topic at the FOSS4G 2018 conference in Dar es Salaam, Tansania.


I’m super excited. It’s a great team and I’m looking forward to push the distributed web a bit forward.

Categories: en, ProtocolLabs, IPLD, IPFS, JavaScript, Rust, geo

Introduction to Noise’s Node.js API

2017-12-21 22:35

In the previous blog post about Noise we imported data with the help of some already prepared scripts. This time it’s an introduction in how to use Noise‘s Promise-based Node.js API directly yourself.

The dataset we use is not a ready to use single file, but one that consists of several ones. The data is the “Realized Cost Savings and Avoidance” for US government agencies. I’m really excited that such data gets openly published as JSON. I wished Germany would be that advanced in this regard. If you want to know more about the structure of the data, there’s documentation about the [JSON Schmema], they even have a “OFCIO JSON User Guide for Realized Cost Savings” on how to produce the data out of Excel.

I’ve prepared a repository containing the final code and the data. But feel free to follow along this tutorial by yourself and just point to the data directory of that repository when running the script.

Let’s start with the boilerplate code for reading in those files and parsing them as JSON. But first create a new package:

mkdir noise-cost-savings
cd noise-cost-savings
npm init --force

You can use --force here as you probably won’t publish this package anyway. Put the boilerplate code below into a file called index.js. Please note that the code is kept as simple as possible, for a real world application you surely want better error handling.

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// The only command line argument is the directory where the data files are
const inputDir = process.argv[2];
console.log(`Loading data from ${inputDir}`);

fs.readdir(inputDir, (_err, files) => {
  files.forEach(file => {
    fs.readFile(path.join(inputDir, file), (_err, data) => {
      const json = JSON.parse(data);

const processFile = (data) => {
  // This is where our actual code goes

This code should already run. Checkout my repository with the data into some directory first:

git clone https://github.com/vmx/blog-introduction-to-noises-nodejs-api

Now run the script from above as:

node index.js <path-to-directory-from-my–repo-mentioned-above>/data

Before we take a closer look at the data, let’s install the Noise module. Please note that you need to have Rust installed (easiest is probably through rustup) before you can install Noise.

npm install noise-search

This will take a while. So let’s get back to code. Load the noise-search module by adding:

const noise = require('noise-search');

A Noise index needs to be opened and closed properly, else your script will hang and not terminate. Opening a new Noise index is easy. Just put this before reading the files:

const index = noise.open('costsavings', true);

It means that open an index called costsavings and create it if it doesn’t exist yet (that’s the boolean true). Closing the index is more difficult due to the asynchronous nature of the code. We can close the index only after all the processing is done. Hence we wrap the fs.readFile(…) call in a Promise. So that new code looks like this:

fs.readdir(inputDir, (_err, files) => {
  const promises = files.map(file => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      fs.readFile(path.join(inputDir, file), (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
          throw err;

        const json = JSON.parse(data);
  Promise.all(promises).then(() => {

If you run the script now it should print out the file names as before and terminate with a Done.. There got a directory called costsavings created after you ran the script. This is where the Noise index is stored in.

Now let’s have a look at the data files, e.g. the cost savings file from the Department of Commerce (or the JSON Schema), you’ll see that it has a single field called "strategies", which contains an array with all strategies. We are free to pre-process the data as much as we want before we insert it into Noise. So let’s create a separate document for every strategy. Our processFile() function now looks like:

const processFile = (data) => {
  data.strategies.forEach(async strategy => {
    // Use auto-generated Ids for the documents
    await index.add(strategy);

Now all the strategies get inserted. Make sure you delete the index (the costsavings directory) if you re-run the scripts, else you would end up with duplicated entries, as different Ids will be generated on every run.

To query the index you could use the Noise indexserve script that I’ve also used in the last blog post about Noise. Or we just add a small query at the end of the script after the loading is done. Our query function will do the query and output the result:

const queryNoise = async (query) => {
  const results = await index.query(query);
  for (const result of results) {

There’s not much to say, except it’s again a Promised-based API. And now hook up this function after the loading and before the index is closed. For that, replace the Promise.all(…) call with:

Promise.all(promises).then(async () => {
  await queryNoise('find {} return count()');

It’s a really simple query, it just returns the number of documents that are in there (644). After all this hard work, it’s time to make a more complicated query on this dataset to show that it was worth doing all this. Let’s return the total net savings of all agencies in 2017. Replace the query find {} return count() with:

find {fy2017: {netOrGross: == "Net"}} return sum(.fy2017.amount)

That’s $845m savings. Not bad at all!

You can learn more about the Noise Node.js API from the README at the corresponding repository. If you want to learn more about possible queries, have a look at the Noise Query Language reference.

Happy cost saving!

Categories: en, Noise, Node, JavaScript, Rust

Exploring data with Noise

2017-12-12 22:35

This is a quick introduction on how to explore some JSON data with Noise. We won’t do any pre-processing, but just load the data into Noise and see what we can do with it. Sometimes the JSON you get needs some tweaking before further analysis makes sense. For example you want to rename fields or numbers are stored as string. This exploration phase can be used to get a feeling for the data and which parts might need some adjustments.

Finding decent ready to use data that contains some nicely structured JSON was harder than I thought. Most datasets are either GeoJSON or CSV masqueraded as JSON. But I was lucky and found a JSON dump of the CVE database provided by CIRCL. So we’ll dig into the CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) database to find out more about all those security vulnerabilities.

Noise has a Node.js binding to get started easily. I won’t dig into the API for now. Instead I’ve prepared two scripts. One to load the data from a file containing new line separated JSON. And another one for serving up the Noise index over HTTP, so that we can explore the data via curl.


As we use the Node.js binding for Noise, you need to have Node.js, npm and Rust (easiest is probably through rustup) installed.

I’ve created a repository with the two scripts mentioned above plus a subset of the CIRCL CVE dataset. Feel free to download the full dataset from the CIRCL Open Data page (1.2G unpacked) and load it into Noise. Please note that Noise isn’t performance optimised at all yet. So the import takes some time as the hard work of all the indexing is done on insertion time.

git clone https://github.com/vmx/blog-exploring-data-with-noise
cd blog-exploring-data-with-noise
npm install

Now everything we need should be installed, let’s load the data into Noise and do a query to verify it’s installed properly.

Loading the data and verify installation

Loading the data is as easy as:

npx dataload circl-cve.json

For every inserted record one dot will be printed.

To spin up the simple HTTP server, just run:

npx indexserve circl-cve

To verify it does actually respond to queries, try:

curl -X POST -d 'find {} return count()'

If all documents got inserted correctly it should return


Everything is set up properly, now it’s time to actually exploring the data.

Exploring the data

We don’t have a clue yet, what the data looks like. So let’s start with looking at a single document:

curl -X POST -d 'find {} return . limit 1'
  "Modified": "2017-01-02 17:59:00.147000",
  "Published": "2017-01-02 17:59:00.133000",
  "_id": "34de83b0d3c547c089635c3a8b4960f2",
  "cvss": null,
  "cwe": "Unknown",
  "id": "CVE-2017-5005",
  "last-modified": {
    "$date": 1483379940147
  "references": [
  "summary": "Stack-based buffer overflow in Quick Heal Internet Security and earlier, Total Security and earlier, and AntiVirus Pro and earlier on OS X allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted LC_UNIXTHREAD.cmdsize field in a Mach-O file that is mishandled during a Security Scan (aka Custom Scan) operation.",
  "vulnerable_configuration": [],
  "vulnerable_configuration_cpe_2_2": []

The query above means: “Find all documents without restrictions and return it’s full contents. Limit it to a single result”.

You don’t always want to return all documents, but filter based on certain conditions. Let’s start with the word match operator ~=. It matches document which contains those words in a specific field, in our case "summary". As “buffer overflow” is a common attack vector, let’s search for all documents that contain it in the summary.

curl -X POST -d 'find {summary: ~= "buffer overflow"}'

That’s quite a long list of random characters. Noise assigns Ids to every inserted document if the document doesn’t contain a "_id" field. By default Noise returns such Ids of the matching documents. So no return value is equivalent to return ._id. Let’s return the CVE number of the matching vulnerabilities instead. That field is called "id":

curl -X POST -d 'find {summary: ~= "buffer overflow"} return .id'

If you want to know how many there are, just append a return count() to the query:

curl -X POST -d 'find {summary: ~= "buffer overflow"} return count()'

Or we can of course return the full documents to see if there are further interesting things to look at:

curl -X POST -d 'find {summary: ~= "buffer overflow"} return .'

I won’t post the output here, it’s way too much. If you scroll through the output, you’ll see that some contain a field named "capec", which is probably about the Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification. Let’s have a closer look at one of those, e.g. from “CVE-2015-8388”:

curl -X POST -d 'find {id: == "CVE-2015-8388"} return .capec'
    "id": "15",
    "name": "Command Delimiters",
    "prerequisites": …
    "related_weakness": [
    "solutions": …
    "summary": …

This time we’ve used the exact match operator ==. As the CVEs have a unique Id, it only returned a single document. It’s again a lot of data, we might only care about the CAPEC names, so let’s return those:

curl -X POST -d 'find {id: == "CVE-2015-8388"} return .capec[].name'
  "Command Delimiters",
  "Flash Parameter Injection",
  "Argument Injection",
  "Using Slashes in Alternate Encoding"

Note that it is an array of an array. The reason is that in this case we only return the CAPEC names of a single document, but our filter condition could of course match more documents, like the word match operator did when we were searching for “buffer overlow”.

Let’s find out all CVEs where the CAPEC name “Directory Traversal”.

curl -X POST -d 'find {capec: [{name: == "Command Delimiters"}]} return .id'

The CAPEC data also contains references to related weaknesses as we’ve seen before. Let’s return the related_weakness of all CVEs that have the CAPEC name “Command Delimiters”.

curl -X POST -d 'find {capec: [{name: == "Command Delimiters"}]} return {cve: .id, related: .capec[].related_weakness}'
  "cve": "CVE-2015-8389",
  "related": [
  "cve": "CVE-2015-8388",
  "related": [

That’s not really what we were after. This returns the related weaknesses of all CAPECs and not just the one named “Command Delimiters”. The solution is a so called bind variable. You can store an array element that matches a condition in a variable which can then be re-used in the return value.

Jut prefix the array condition with a variable name separated by two colons:

find {capec: commdelim::[{name: == "Command Delimiters"}]}

And use it in the return value like any other path:

return {cve: .id, related: commdelim.related_weakness}

So the full query is:

curl -X POST -d 'find {capec: commdelim::[{name: == "Command Delimiters"}]} return {cve: .id, related: commdelim.related_weakness}'
  "cve": "CVE-2015-8389",
  "related": [
  "cve": "CVE-2015-8388",
  "related": [

The result isn’t that exciting as it’s the same related weaknesses for all CVEs, but of course the could be completely arbitrary. There’s no limitation on the schema.

So far we haven’t done any range requests yet. So let’s have a look at all CVEs that were last modified on December 28th with “High” severity rating according to the Common Vulnerability Scoring System. First we need to determine the correct timestamps:

date --utc --date="2016-12-28" "+%s"
date --utc --date="2016-12-29" "+%s"

Please note that the "last-modified" field has timestamps with 13 characters (ours have 10), which means that they are in milliseconds, so we just append three zeros and we’re good. The severity rating is stored in the field "cvss”, “High” severity means a value from 7.0–8.9. We need to put the field name last-modified in quotes as it contains a dash (just as you’d do it in JavaScript). The final query is:

curl -X POST -d 'find {"last-modified": {$date: >= 1482883200000, $date: < 1482969600000}, cvss: >= 7.0, cvss: <=8.9} return .id'

This was an introduction into basic querying of Noise. If you want to know about further capabilities you can have a look at the Noise Query Language reference or stay tuned for further blog posts.

Happy exploration!

Categories: en, Noise, Node, JavaScript, Rust

Printing panics in Rust

2017-12-05 22:35

This blog post is not about about dealing with normal runtime errors, you should really use the Result Type for that. This is about the case where some component might panic, but that shouldn’t bring the whole system to halt.

I was debugging some issue in the Node.js binding for Noise. It is using the noise_search crate which might panic if there’s an unrecoverable error. Though the Node.js binding should of course not crash, but handle it in a more graceful way. Hence it is catching the panics.

The existing code was only printing that there was some panic, but it didn’t contain the actual cause. I wanted to improve that.

I thought it would be easy and I could just print the debug version of the panic. So I changed the println!() to:

println!("panic happend: {:?}", result)

But that resulted only in a:

panic happened: Err(Any)

Which isn’t really that meaningful either. In the documentation about catch_unwind I read

…and will return Err(cause) if the closure panics. The cause returned is the object with which panic was originally invoked.

I didn’t really understand what this meant. Is the object that invokes the panic the function where the panic happens? I wanted the text I was putting into the panic!() call.

Thanks to rkruppe on IRC I learnt that panic!() can take any object, not just strings. Now the documentation made sense. He also mentioned that I can downcast Any if I know that type. As I always only use strings for panics that was easy:

if let Err(panic) = result {
    match panic.downcast::<String>() {
        Ok(panic_msg) => {
            println!("panic happened: {}", panic_msg);
        Err(_) => {
            println!("panic happened: unknown type.");

If you want to play a bit around with it, I’ve created a minimal example for the Rust Playground. Happy panicking!

Categories: en, Noise, Rust

By Volker Mische

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