
the blllog.

CouchDB: Returning all design documents with Python

2009-08-21 22:35

I just wanted to get all design documents of a CouchDB database with couchdb-python. I couldn’t find any hints how to do it, it took longer to find out than expected. Therefore this blog entry, perhaps I save someone a few minutes of research.

from couchdb.client import Server
couch_server = Server('http://localhost:5984/')
for designdoc in couch_server['yourdatabase']\
        .view('_all_docs', startkey='_design', endkey='_design0'):
    print 'designdoc: %s' % designdoc

Update: even simpler with slicing:

from couchdb.client import Server
couch_server = Server('http://localhost:5984/')
for designdoc in couch_server['yourdatabase']\
    print 'designdoc: %s' % designdoc

Categories: en, CouchDB, Python

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By Volker Mische

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